Thursday, 31 May 2007

Moo. (hee hee)

Hi fellow internet users. It is my sad duty to inform you that Bash has hit a cow in the 'Effie'. That makes us square after he dined out frequently on my own cow incident a few years back. Poor cow, they had to destroy her as she had broken bones. Not too much obvious damage to the vehicle but the bull bar is pushed back into the bonnet and doesn't look bent which leaves the chassis. Oh dear.
On the Mackay front, found out through a friend of Trevor's that the new house is known locally as the Big Brother house. I dunno why because we haven't voted anyone off yet and there are no cameras. And there's no prancing about in our pyjamas.
Anyway, the plumbers showed up today bless 'em. Josh the tiler has put down some floor tiles, Graeme collected the stainless balustrading and Russell will be making his sober inspection on Saturday morning so he can come up with some landscaping ideas. Painting continues and will for at least a week.
Trevor's ex boarder, J (who shall remain nameless in case they work out who he is and search his bags) will be attending 'happy school' as a guest of Mr anThony Robbins the motivational guru. He is considering smuggling contraband into the precinct because he's not sure he can be good for three days. The upshot is that he will also be getting his 48th motorbike. Has the scars to prove it too. I remember Granny Savill telling me that if you laugh, the world laughs with you. I was a depressing child sometimes, perhaps she was trying to tell me something for free. Anyway, the scientific community is getting in on the act by attempting to measure whether the physical act of smiling leads to an improvement in emotional state. It seems that it does. Go Gran. I think Mr Robbins can fill us in on the secret of life which would be handy. Although it is handed out in $3500 doses of a letter at a time. Sort of demonstrating via it's own example that you CAN make money out of anything at all, even the pursuit of happiness.
And so to the weekend which was wonderful although had it's odd moments. As we drove into the motel I realised it was in fact the place where our brother died in the 80s. As there was a group of us booked and paid for, and it all happened a long time ago, Bash and I agreed not to mention it to anyone as we didn't want to spoil the mood (enjoyable and relaxed). In the end the ghosts were quiet and the place itself isn't holding any bad memories for me. We had a good time together, watched the kids play sport and ate and laughed.
There was an incident at the airport which was funny afterwards. I left Toowoomba late and in my rush to fuel up the hire car, I somehow ended up in the International spare taxi area where there were lots of Ukranian and foreign looking people who stood in groups and wouldn't talk to me. They basically told me to get lost which I was already. I decided to jump the kerb (in the brand new Prius hire car) but a nice man who spoke some English decided to help. Ended up late in the airport with a knife in my bag which was originally going on as check in luggage. The Qantas people were very nice about it; at 42 and overweight I don't look like an assassin but it did scare me a bit when I realised I might lose my beloved Leatherman. They charge you $7 and give you a post pack so you can send it to yourself.
Nina, Trevor and I imbibed some truth serum last night and I have left the heel of the bottle to help unweld Sandra's undies for Russell. Not that I am on his side, of course. Go Sandra. Sorry I won't be there to side with you... Send him to the bear cave, I say.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

State of Origin Night

Hi fellow toilers. Am at Ali's eating an enormous roast and ostensibly watching the footy. For those of you (if there are any) outside Eastern Seaboard, State of Origin involves two teams of thuggishly built young men chosen carefully for their ability to catch, kick and throw a small elongated sphere made of dead pigs. I have had this chat with Poleroller and Phil, neither of whom could satisfactorily explain why it wouldn't just be better to grease a real little pig and chase him around the field. It could be a try when they catch him and make him squeal. Penalty if lil piggy gets hurt. Anyways, they have devised a set of rules for this game where they kill the pig, skin him and stitch him back together again and pump him up. Then they kick this ex pig around a large lawn covered field, and headbutt or knock down anyone who gets in the way. They also grab each other by the privates and try to bulldoze each other which always looks a bit funny. Or is that Rugby Union? So, which colour are we going for?
Sorry Bash
I still love you. But not football. Speaking of the big fella, we shall be reunitied this weekend after a painfully long separation. I can't wait to see him and the kids. He's driving his parents down to Toowoomba for the weekend of their 50th wedding anniversary and we will go out to tea at Weis's, the original boarding school kids pig out joint. Much much nicer than Sizzlers. They have this delicious smoked fish which I would gladly eat all night. Mind you, this will be on the very day of Bash's much anticipated visit to the fang snatcher which should hopefully land him a gold tooth, in the vein of 50 cent or Snoop Dogg of whoever it is...
Because I am half pissed and there is a bottle of Sambucca (the secret spilling syrup) in the wings, I shall now confess that the old boy has made me fall in love with him again. He has supported this venture of ours, even though I have never built a house before or even lived apart from him for more than a week or two except when the babies were hatching. He has trusted me to bet my life savings (even some of his) on something I believe in which has made me see him through new eyes. He has tolerated living alone and fending for himself which couldn't have been easy as he has never lived alone for any length of time. I hope to God I can erase this post when I sober up a bit as we are both kinda 'behind the bushes' people who avoid publicising this stuff.
Venertheless I shall proceed. No photos but the painting continues. We have Bruce and his offsider Chris on the job. They're an interesting pair when they do talk which isn't often, As Bruce is a bit broken down, he needs occasional doses of neck oil but gets the work done well.
Ronaldo has scored himself a fiance (Janine) and a new job at the place just up the road where they build prefab dongas for mines and export.
The houses are still underway and I had no idea how long it would take to finish off the details. I would heartily recommend anyone taking on this style of housing PAINT EVERYTHING before the plywood goes up. At least a priming coat, perhaps a first top coat. As for those little cupboards on the mezzanine level. We have taken to calling it the hydroponics room, or the bondage closet.
Blah blah blah. Sorry viewers.
Nina Trevor and I stayed in a few nights ago watching Roy Orbison and Friends in 'Black and White Night' which has reinforced why this is my favourite music video of all time. Favourite Album is 'Graceland' by Paul Simon, Nina's is 'The Joshua Tree" U2 and Bill from Bali's is Pink Floyd's 'The wall' Trevor didn't really nominate one. But today I like the sound of 'Interpol's slightly synthesised songs. By the way if I should shuffle off this mortal coil, play 'Calling all Angels' by Jane Siberry as they push me into the furnace.
And now, the Sambucca. Goodnight Origin supporters.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Photos, I hope

Sooo, am at the Mt Pleasant Library for a change. Have printed off a very informative interview with the subject of Sarah's SOSE assignment. Sarah has chosen Dr Fiona Wood, one of the two inventors of spray on skin for burns victims.

Graeme and his crew have almost finished house at the back end. They are cleaning up for the painters, Bruce and his brush hand who is tall and laughs a lot. To the left, you see Ron, roof surfing on the old garden shed. It's now on the ground waiting for some one to take it home. Ron has a hangover today as he was celebrating being alive last night. Bash thinks he's a pretty clever dude, he's good at fishing and welding and let slip today that he can also wield a mean putty knife. I have puttied so many bloody nail holes that I can do it in my sleep. Let Ron take it on, I say. Anyways, he has been a welcome member of this little housebuilding boat and I hope he and Bash get to go fishing sometime.
Sala Homes, we notice the main bedroom door sits in front of the glass entry door when both are open. There has been a bit of muttering about the sliding door mechanisms being out of date and the doors have taken quite some time to hang. Can there be a more modern solution? It poured rain this morning and the strawboard certainly cut down the noise. Quite pleasant inside despite my boring job... We all agree we would use wood frames next time we tackle this type of project.
We now have four sides fenced which has made a big difference. Have taken away my 13th load to the dump.
Am currently reading a book called 'The Tipping Point'. Over the past few years Kate and I have had a running conversation about fashion and fads and why I don't rush out the buy the next big thing. The book describes how a tiny idea can, if it comes in contact with the right personalities along the way, balloon into a separate existence all of its own. It puts forward the theory that not only viruses etc are contagious - that ideas or object ownership can be too. Kate's current object of desire is the 'Vote for Pedro' shirt which is associated with a movie she has seen. This idea has come from a scene in the movie and some clever person has turned it into a business. I am not seeing it everywhere so assume the idea has not yet taken wing however it illustrates the case. If one day, weeks from now, you see the shirt, you can assume it has started to become contagious. Seems to affect young people who still spend their parents money. The fad will die off almost as soon as it hits it's peak. Anyone want to borrow the book? I hear a collective groan.
There is another thing it explains a little. Sustainable design has become trendy lately - will it become contagious?
Above photos, in no particular order are the kids, Bash and Graeme and the digger, Ali and I, then lastly Ron who has so far been able to avoid the camera.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Coldplay - Yellow

Hello Big Sister - I've been busy today messing up your webpage!!
Here's a song to spruce up your day :)