Tuesday, 6 March 2007

More roof please

And now it's Tuesday evening and Bash is here. He brought the mutt too. We are debating what to have for dinner - probably Thai. It is his birthday tomorrow so we won't make him go up on the roof. It's been bloody hot, no clouds to speak of and we drank all the cold water (I'd guess about 30 litres on site today). The crane man came in today and lifted all those heavy panels in quick time. We stood them on their edge and just put a sling at either end. The crane has no slew but swivels from the middle. He had about 1/4 of an inch on one side and a tree on the other and didn't hit either. Nailed up some insulation to protect the sheets from rain and tomorrow the plumbers from Party Plumbing will put the roof on. That would be Marty and Paul. Graeme, showing his usual care, has started considering the windows and where they might be and whether the louvres will be in them (broken) or packed separately. We also have something to sort out with the frame makers which involves the Engineer who happens to live in Cairns. I see those $$$ floating away into the sky as it involves the word 'certified'.

We are also pondering why there are so many framing screws left over. There was a good map for putting the frames together but no instructions about how many screws are required. Not a problem - now we'll be doing it under a beautiful shady roof.

I don't know if I told you about the crane incident the other day. I was puttering along Slade Point Road minding my business when my windscreen splatted and scared the absolute s**t out of me. I last passed a truck crane and thought it had something hanging off it but after a couple of trips past where it happened, I found the culprit - a foot long piece of 4x4 hardwood. It had glass embedded in it and my windscreen has the same colour wood embedded in it. A match.

Didn't see hide nor hair of Dulce today although who can blame her - we had a diesel motor running for three hours in the driveway. If you're out there, it is nearly over - we don't expect to need much more in the way of heavy vehicles except when the last load is delivered.

And last but not least, thanks heaps to Ned who whipper snipped and mowed our very messy footpath and front yard. We can see all the snakes and rubbish now and I don't worry about tripping over!

Yeah yea yeah. Photos soon. I just have to figure out how to bluetooth 'em to this computer.

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